
KR and tree

Khentrul Lodrö T’hayé Rinpoche, born in eastern Tibet, is the abbot of Mardo Tashi Choling Monastery. Taking monastic ordination at the age of seven, Rinpoche studied and practiced under his main root guru, His Holiness Jigmé Puntsok Rinpoche, as well H.H. Penor Rinpoche. He received the degree of khenpo (equivalent to a Ph.D.) from each of three monasteries. During that time, he also spent three years in retreat. H.H. Moktza Rinpoche formally recognized Khentrul Rinpoche as a reincarnation (tulku) of Katok Druptopchenpo Namkha Gyamtso, a mahasiddha of Katok Monastery, thus he is called a khentrul, someone who is both a khenpo and a tulku. There are more than 300 monks and 100 children at Mardo Tashi Choling for whom he provides food, lodging, education, a temple, and other facilities.  For more information visit the Katog Choling website.  https://katog.org/


khenchen-tsultrim_608w_1Khenpo Tsultrim Lodrö Rinpoche is perhaps the most influential living lama teaching in China and Asia today, and we are extremely honored that he has accepted Khentrul Rinpoche’s invitations to teach here. (He and Khentrul were both students of His Holiness Jigmé P’huntsok.) 

Khenchen Rinpoche is well known for his compassion towards animals. He advocates a vegetarian diet and puts great effort into life saving and the live-release of animals procured to be killed. Khenchen Rinpoche teaches throughout Tibet promoting Buddhism, the value of education, environmental protection, AIDS and public health awareness. He has worked to preserve Tibetan culture by founding libraries and schools in numerous regions in Tibet, and strives to bring the Tibetan people modern knowledge in their own language. He has collaborated with several distinguished scholars to compile Chinese-English-Tibetan dictionaries. These have had a great social impact in contemporary Tibetan society. Read a more complete biography here. https://katog.org/khenchen-tsultrim-lodro-rinpoche/


Paloma in Wutai Shan

Paloma Lopez Landry (translator) studied the Tibetan language for three years in Nepal before meeting Khentrul Rinpoche upon his arrival in the US in 2002. She has been translating for him since then as well as for other teachers of the Katog lineage within the Nyingma tradition.

The Katog Rithrod Mountain Retreat Center

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The Katog Choling Mountain Retreat Center in the beautiful Ozark Mountains, is the US base for Katog Choling activities. This article in the Arkansas Times gives a very good description of this growing community.